4.26.12 – Advanced Social Media: 2012 Sixth Circuit Judicial Conference
BSP was in attendance at this year’s Sixth Circuit Judicial Conference in Lexington, Kentucky, where BSP partner Patrick Seyferth co-presented with Melissa Gomez and Tom Cranmer on advanced social media in the courtroom.
Social networking websites, and their use by the public, have skyrocketed. Blogs and social media, including Facebook, Spokeo, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and others, place a bounty of potentially useful information in an attorney’s or juror’s hands. Social media is fresh, new, and changing fast. As technology progresses, legal and ethical rules and processes must adapt. This session will expound upon the social media issues attorneys will face, including how to obtain social media and its many uses during trial, from pretrial through verdict, in the civil and criminal contexts.
For more information, please click here.