7.24.12 – Rick Paige Speaks at OESA Supplier Roundtable: Brazil Market Strategies
OESA announced a supplier roundtable held on July 24, 2012, at the Auburn Hills Marriott Pontiac at Centerpoint, Pontiac, Mich. “Brazil Market Strategies” provided a forum for automotive suppliers to explore the challenges and opportunities of the Brazil automotive market and business culture through short presentations. The meeting was held in a “roundtable” format to enable two-way dialogue and an open question and answer forum. Participants came prepared to share their company’s interest in, and experience with Brazil OEMs, tier suppliers, market entry opportunities, and business culture.
OESA Members on or before July 10: $95; after July 10: $105; Non-OESA members on or before July 10: $125; after July 10: $150.
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