11.27.18 – BSP Attends the Annual Barbara J. Rom Award / Rakow Scholarship / Historical Society Luncheon
On Tuesday, November 27, the Federal Bar Foundation, the Federal Bar Association (FBA), and the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan’s Historical Society hosted their annual Barbara J. Rom / Rakow Scholarship / Historical Society Luncheon at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center. The event included a presentation by the Court Historical Society featuring Wayne State University Law School Professor and Former Dean Robert Ackerman, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of General Motors Company Craig Glidden as the keynote speaker, the presentation of the Barbara J. Rom Award for Bankruptcy Excellence, and the presentation of five Edward H. Rakow Scholarships to students from each of Michigan’s law schools. BSP is proud to continually support the FBA.
For more information on the FBA’s Barbara J. Rom / Rakow Scholarship / Historical Society Luncheon, please click here.