11.21.19 – BSP Sponsors the HBAM 2019 Holiday Party
On Thursday, November 21, the Hispanic Bar Association of Michigan (HBAM) hosted their annual holiday party. The event was held in downtown Detroit with drinks and a strolling dinner. Proceeds from the event help support the HBAM’s scholarship program and help meet the goals of the organization. BSP is proud to be a Diamond level sponsor for this event.
The HBAM was formed in 1991 to cultivate the science of jurisprudence, promote reforms in the law, facilitate the administration of justice, and elevate the standard of integrity, honor, and courtesy in the legal profession in the State of Michigan. Specifically, the HBAM seeks to (1) provide a voice for Michigan’s Hispanics, especially those involved in the legal profession; (2) counsel and assist the Hispanic community by supporting local and charitable organizations; (3) advocate for greater representation of Hispanics in the legal profession and in public office; and (4) facilitate communication among Michigan attorneys and others concerned with the law.
To learn more about the HBAM and the event, click here.