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National Coordinating Discovery

BSP Law’s robust discovery practice ranges from the early stages of discovery, to complex, high-volume, fast-paced e-discovery, to the defense of company witnesses at deposition and trial. Our deep experience and skill in all aspects of the discovery process allows us to successfully and efficiently defend our clients through all stages of litigation. BSP Law’s experienced trial lawyers craft discovery responses with the jury in mind and leverage the latest e-discovery tools and techniques to maximize speed and efficiencies. The BSP Law National Coordinating Discovery Team also provides counseling and training on compliance and best practices around information and data storage, litigation holds, and other areas that affect discovery, as well as responses to government inquiries and subpoenas.

BSP Has Extensive Experience With:

  • Optimizing discovery strategy for trial
  • Discovery motions and hearings
  • Technology Assisted Review and Advanced E-Discovery
  • Preparing and Defending Employee Depositions and Trial Testimony
  • Protective Orders
  • Managing Discovery Disputes and Meet and Confer Conferences
  • Forensic Analysis

Counseling and Training on Compliance and Best Practices Include:

  • Information Management
  • Data Retention Policies
  • Litigation Holds
  • Spoliation Prevention
  • Assessment of Current Capabilities
  • Cost Considerations
  • Proportionality (Cost & Scope)
  • Technology Assisted Review and Machine Learning in E-Discovery
  • Attorney-Client Privilege and Work-Product Doctrine
  • Government Inquiries and Subpoenas

Discovery of Electronically Stored Information:

The BSP Law National Coordinating Discovery Team represents large companies in cases requiring electronic discovery of all scales. We supplement our core in-house team with vendor partners to provide technology and flexible staffing on a case-by-case basis. With a focus on cost and quality control, our team manages Early Case Assessment (ECA) of Large Data Collections; and Technology Assisted Review (TAR), as appropriate. For document review, we work with clients to right-size e-discovery, ensuring quality and affording economies-of-scale pricing.  BSP Law combines years of discovery success with cutting edge technology and tools to help its clients confront discovery challenges and win.

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